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Netty 5.0为啥被舍弃?

2023-03-10 10:19:11 更新

  • 4.x版本是当前官方推荐,4.x版本目前一直在维护中,值得称赞!    
  • 3.x版本是比较旧的版本,跟4.x版本相比变化比较大,特别是API。
  • 5.x是被舍弃的版本,官方不再支持!

    Netty 5.0 以前是发布alpha版。听说 Netty 5.0不继续开发了。


    The major change of using a ForkJoinPool increases complexity and has not demonstrated a clear performance benefit. Also keeping all the branches in sync is quite some work without a real need for it as there is nothin in current master which I think justifies a new major release.

Things that we should investigate to prepare for this change:

    Deprecate exceptionCaught in ChannelHandler, only expose it in ChannelInboundHandler Expose EventExecutorChooser from MultithreadEventExecutorGroup to allow the user more flexibility to choose next EventLoop Add another method to be able to send user events both ways in the pipeline. (#4378)



