阅读(4903) (2)


2016-02-24 16:17:03 更新


* Make a TCP connection to the given IPv4 address.  Arguments:
*    ip4addr        a string representing a valid IPv4 address
*    tcpPort        a positive integer representing a valid TCP port
*    timeout        a positive integer denoting the number of milliseconds
*                   to wait for a response from the remote server before
*                   considering the connection to have failed.
*    callback       invoked when the connection succeeds or fails.  Upon
*                   success, callback is invoked as callback(null, socket),
*                   where `socket` is a Node net.Socket object.  Upon failure,
*                   callback is invoked as callback(err) instead.
* This function may fail for several reasons:
*    SystemError    For "connection refused" and "host unreachable" and other
*                   errors returned by the connect(2) system call.  For these
*                   errors, err.errno will be set to the actual errno symbolic
*                   name.
*    TimeoutError   Emitted if "timeout" milliseconds elapse without
*                   successfully completing the connection.
* All errors will have the conventional "remoteIp" and "remotePort" properties.
* After any error, any socket that was created will be closed.
function connect(ip4addr, tcpPort, timeout, callback)
assert.equal(typeof (ip4addr), 'string',
    "argument 'ip4addr' must be a string");
    "argument 'ip4addr' must be a valid IPv4 address");
assert.equal(typeof (tcpPort), 'number',
    "argument 'tcpPort' must be a number");
assert.ok(!isNaN(tcpPort) && tcpPort > 0 && tcpPort < 65536,
    "argument 'tcpPort' must be a positive integer between 1 and 65535");
assert.equal(typeof (timeout), 'number',
    "argument 'timeout' must be a number");
assert.ok(!isNaN(timeout) && timeout > 0,
    "argument 'timeout' must be a positive integer");
assert.equal(typeof (callback), 'function');

/* do work */


  • 参数,类型以及其它一些约束被清晰的文档化。

  • 这个函数对于接受的参数是非常严格的,并且会在得到错误参数的时候抛出异常(程序员的失误)。

  • 可能出现的操作失败集合被记录了。通过不同的”name“值可以区分不同的异常,而”errno“被用来获得系统错误的详细信息。

  • 异常被传递的方式也被记录了(通过失败时调用回调函数)。

  • 返回的错误有”remoteIp“和”remotePort“字段,这样用户就可以定义自己的错误了(比如,一个HTTP客户端的端口号是隐含的)。

  • 虽然很明显,但是连接失败后的状态也被清晰的记录了:所有被打开的套接字此时已经被关闭。
