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Flask 文档注释

2021-08-10 10:54:20 更新

所有的文档注释应为 Sphinx 可理解的 reStructuredText 格式,其格式根据注释行数而变化。 如果只有一行,闭合的三引号和开头的三引号在同一行, 否则开头的三引号与文本在同一行,而闭合的三引号另起一行:

def foo():
    """This is a simple docstring"""

def bar():
    """This is a longer docstring with so much information in there
    that it spans three lines.  In this case the closing triple quote
    is on its own line.

模块标头包含一个 utf-8 编码声明(即使没有使用非 ASCII 字符,也始终推荐这么做) 和一个标准的文档注释:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    A brief description goes here.

    :copyright: (c) YEAR by AUTHOR.
    :license: LICENSE_NAME, see LICENSE_FILE for more details.

请留意,合适的版权和许可证文件对于 Flask 扩展通过审核是必须的。